Sunday, October 25, 2009

it's hard to run toward Jesus with a twinkie in your hand.

My YoungLife girls and I have been doing a study on Frances Chan's, Crazy Love. The book creates a great image of what it looks like to be totally in Love with Jesus. (A special thanks to my dear friend Linnae!) This Summer, when I first read it, I had a convicting yet joyous time reading it. I think my High School friends would say the same. There was this one part of the chapter that we were just studying that just made us all laugh, but created a great image of truth in our heads. I had to share it so you could experience the same.
"Imagine going for a run while eating a box of Twinkies. Besides being self-defeating and sideache-inducing, it would also be near impossible—you would have to stop running in order to eat the Twinkies.
In the same way, you have to stop loving and pursuing Christ in order to sin. When you are pursuing love, running toward Christ, you do not have opportunity to wonder, Am I doing this right? Or Did I serve enough this week? When you are running toward Christ, you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt,worry,or fear. As long as you are running, you are safe.

But running is exhausting—if, that is, we are running from sin or guilt, out of fear. (Or if we haven't run in a while.) However, if we train ourselves to run toward our Refuge, toward Love, we are free—just as we are called to be." -Frances Chan's, Crazy Love pg.104


  1. running is so symbolic and i love it! yay Fran Chan!

  2. Brooke and I are loving this book! It's awesome to see the "Awe Factor" video. God is so much bigger than anything we could possibly try to conjure up in this teeny tiny world!
