This past weekend we went to visit my Mom in South Louisiana. It was filled with good family time, good food, Kermit Ruffins, and a gator ranch. A gator ranch? Yes, a gator ranch. Jim was our guide who was "indeed" in love with alligators and Insta-Gator Ranch. Unfortunately, Amanda got smacked by the gator in the face, and I was scared that my baby alligator "Alli" was going to poop on me. Jim said not to worry at that size it’s not too bad, but I wasn’t too interested in getting pooped on.
Right before Insta-Gator Ranch took a turn...literally.
A little scared after seeing Amanda getting smacked!...and didn't want to get pooped on.
Jim sooo "glorious"..."indeed".
Amanda is such a trooper. I think we were ready to go!
It was a great weekend, which ended with appendicitis! Aaron is good just a little surgery, and resting in the hospital. Hope to head home tomorrow. Only 2 days till NYC!!!
oh my goodness I'm a litle freaked out by the alligator! :-) And I'm glad Aaron's ok!