Sunday, September 13, 2009

google yourself

Don't act like you've never done it. Everyone has googled someone or themselves for some reason. I guess because we are curious to see what is out there about us. Or maybe we are scared to see what we might find. Have you ever googled imaged your name though? I mean there are some Margie's out there. Not very many in my age bracket, but that is ok... I'll take it. Margie is the one on the right with her teased hair blowing in the wind. If I was really into the whole teasing thing I could see how this could happen. If you need a laugh google image your name. I just did over a bowl of Kashi Crunch. Cheers!


  1. You really do make me laugh :)
    Miss the daily stories.


    Equally as good as Marge. Sorry no return call yet - hopefully tomorrow evening!
